G.A.T.E. Outreach Ministry

G.A.T.E. Outreach Ministry

G.A.T.E. (Gospel Awareness to Everyone)

An outreach ministry of Elmwood in which every member, young and old, has the ability to be involved and get the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every house in our ministry area.

As part of the great commission to make disciples of all nations we meet every Saturday at 10:30 am to go out and share Christ with the community and invite our neighbors in Brighton, Colorado to visit our Church. While many church have an outreach ministry, few have developed such an in depth ministry. The following is a brief synopsis of this ministry. By putting the information on our website, our prayer is other churches can glean from this information and develop a well-rounded outreach ministry for their community as well.

Purpose and Synopsis

The main focus and purpose of G.A.T.E. is to make sure every single home in our ministry area (approximately a 10 mile radius from our church property) will receive the wonderful Gospel message that Jesus Christ can and will save them if they believe in Him and receive Him as their Savior.

The ministry is broken down into four key teams:

  1. Prayer and Preparation
  2. Saturation
  3. Door Knocking and Personal Contact
  4. Follow-Up

Prayer and Preparation

This team is first and foremost in our outreach ministry. The goals of this team are simple, but extremely important to the overall success of the entire ministry.

Step 1: Pray for all of the groups that go out and saturate, door-knock, and follow-up. This team also prays for the people in the homes that will be knocked and followed-up on.

Step 2: Prepare a John & Romans as well as a personal invitation in a door-hanger bag for the Saturation team to hang.

Click here for a sample of the John & Romans cover.

Click here for a sample of the John & Romans insert.

Step 3: Prepare a mailer postcard for every door that was not knocked because of a no-soliciting sign, or any other reason that a Gospel tract could not be personally handed to a person or left on a door.

Click here for a sample postcard.

Step 4: Prepare for a rally time where all teams come back together, praise God, and report on their opportunities. This is a wonderful time of fellowship and praise.


This team takes the prepared John & Romans (J&R) and a map and places a J&R and a personal invitation on every door possible. The goal is to warm the door for a door-knocking to come by the following week.

Door Knocking and Personal Contact

This involves going door to door, house to house introducing ourselves and Elmwood Baptist, sharing gospel tracts, and speaking Bible truth to those we meet.

This team will knock the doors that the saturation team left a J&R and invitation on the previous week. By knocking the doors the saturation team just left a J&R, the team enters a warmer environment. There is now a connection made with the people at the door because of the J&R. This allows the door-knocking team to be bolder in their presentation and seeking to lead someone to Christ by showing them the truth of the Gospel.

For organizational purposes Elmwood uses a program and app called Knockwise. This is an amazing app and has been instrumental in helping us stay organized and keep track of all teams and door-to-door responses. While the app was created for real estate agents, we were able to adapt it to our church. The team at Knockwise has been wonderful in helping us implement the program. We highly recommend the program to all churches and organizations looking to enhance their outreach ministry. It is well worth the cost.


Based upon the responses at the door, this team will follow-up on all doors that seemed interested in looking for a church, or interested in receiving the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or did received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Our goal is to make sure Satan cannot come by a snatch away the seed that was sown.

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