Elmwood Baptist Church supports over 40 missionary Church Planters and their families within the United States and around the globe. We believe God’s Word teaches that we are to reach our Jerusalem (for us that is Brighton, CO), Judea (for us that is Colorado), Samaria (for us that is the United States), and the uttermost parts of the earth.
Following the great commission to spread the gospel, calling all men to Christ, baptizing them, and making disciples to the duty of every born-again believer. As part of our answer to this call, Elmwood supports the following churches and ministries through prayer and financial means.
Broomfield Baptist Church's Website
This church was planted by Elmwood Baptist Church in October 2010.
Horizon Baptist Church Website
This church was planted by Elmwood Baptist Church in October 2012.
Elmwood Baptist Church supports others missionaries across the world, but because of the extreme antagonistic views of the countries in which those missionaries are serving we have chosen not to place them on our website. Please pray for them as soldiers and servants for Jesus Christ.
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