

Elmwood Baptist Church supports over 40 missionary Church Planters and their families within the United States and around the globe. We believe God’s Word teaches that we are to reach our Jerusalem (for us that is Brighton, CO), Judea (for us that is Colorado), Samaria (for us that is the United States), and the uttermost parts of the earth.

Following the great commission to spread the gospel, calling all men to Christ, baptizing them, and making disciples to the duty of every born-again believer. As part of our answer to this call, Elmwood supports the following churches and ministries through prayer and financial means.

Hector Avila

Missionaries to Mexico

Broomfield Baptist Church

Pastor Jason & Jessica Walker

Church Plant to Broomfield, CO

Broomfield Baptist Church's Website

This church was planted by Elmwood Baptist Church in October 2010.

Missionary Don Chitty

Missionary to the Navajo Indians

Terry Coomer

Hope Biblical Counseling

Hope Biblical Counseling Website

Missionaries Timothy & Athanasia Davis

Missionaries to Myanmar (Old Burma)

Davis Missionary Profile

Missionaries Benjamin & Rebecca Edwards

Missionaries to Japan

Benjamin Edwards' Profile

Missionaries Ron & Christine Enoch

Missionaries to South Sudan, Africa

Ron and Christine Enoch Profile

Missionary Chris Faulkner

Missionaries to Sardinia, Italy

Faulkners Profile

Missionary Seth Folkers

Missionaries to Cameroon, Africa

Seth Folkers Website

Missionaries Tom & Krinny Gaudet

Scripture Printing in Asia

Tom and Krinny Gaudet's Website

National Center for Life and Liberty

David Gibbs III

NCLL Website

Gospel Film Project

Caleb Garraway - Gospel to the World

The Gospel Film Website

Missionaries Wayne & Linda Grissom

Missionaries to England

Missionary Kevin Hart

Missionary to Oahu, HI

Rock Point Baptist Church Website

Missionary Brent Hoffman

Missionary to Belgium

Hoffmans to Panama Website

Paul Hoover

Reaching America Baptist Partners

Reaching America Baptist Partners Video

Horizon Baptist Church

Church Plant in Northglenn, CO

Horizon Baptist Church Website

This church was planted by Elmwood Baptist Church in October 2012.

Missionary James Howard

Church Planting in Canada

James Howard's Website

Missionaries Christopher & Ivy Hurst

Missionaries to the Philippines

Christopher Hurst's Website

Missionaries John & Julie Kokenzie

Missionaries to Brazil

Brazil to the Uttermost

Missionaries Christophe & Sarah Lardinois

Missionaries to Brussels

Boulder Valley Baptist Church

Pastor Mark Martinez, Boulder, Colorado

Boulder Valley Baptist Church

Mr. Terry McClain

Way of the Cross Prison Ministries

Elmwood Baptist Church

Missionary Matt Miller

Missionary to Serbia

Missionary Samelind Mista

Jireh Bible Baptist Church, Philippines

Jireh Missionary Baptist Church

Missionary Brendan Morgan

Missionary to Japan

Morgans to Japan Website

Mountain States Baptist College

Great Falls, MO

MSBC Website

Missionary Mark Priem

Missionary to Ukraine

Mark's Facebook Profile

Missionary Paul Rose

Missionary to Peru

Paul Rose's Website

Missionary Jeremy Rowland

Baptist Church Planting Ministry

BCPM Website

Missionaries Charlie & JoAnn Smith

Missionaries to Argentina

Dr. Shelton Smith

Editor, Sword of the Lord

Sword of the Lord Website

BJ Stagner

Church Planting in the United Kingdom


John & Sharon Sutton


Treasure Mountain Bible Camp

Marble, CO


Missionary Juan Vallejo

Church Planting in Brazil

Juan Vallejo's Profile

Missionary Mike Wallace

Missionary to Mexico

Wallace's to Mexico Website

Elmwood Baptist Church supports others missionaries across the world, but because of the extreme antagonistic views of the countries in which those missionaries are serving we have chosen not to place them on our website. Please pray for them as soldiers and servants for Jesus Christ.

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