Teens Ministry

Teens Ministry

Of all the times to receive knowledge and instructions in the way of God, the teenage years are among the most important. As the world continues to develop the complexity of its charms to dissuade youths from wisdom and doeth the path of a fool, Elmwood Baptist works to lovingly instruct teens in God’s absolute truth, the Bible.

Our youth (6th-8th grades) and teenagers (9th-12th grades) meet during Sunday Family Bible Time at 10:45 am for Sunday school after the Sunday morning worship service and also Thursday Youth & Teen Time at 7:00 pm at the same time as the regular Thursday service.

Goals for the J1ST Youth Ministry

J1ST (Jesus 1st) Youth Ministry exists to equip our young people to DEVELOP a close, intimate, personal, passionate relationship with Jesus Christ (John 15:5), ESTABLISH a foundation for building Christian morals, character, values, and behavior (2 Peter 1:5-8), CULTIVATE a heart of service for Jesus Christ and others (Galatians 5:13), and ENCOURAGE meaningful, life-long relationships with other Christians (Proverbs 18:24).

This purpose is developed through teaching the youth:

  • To receive Christ through the preaching of the Word of God.
  • To develop a close, personal, intimate, passionate relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • To nurture and disciple teens to develop solid daily Bible study and prayer habits.
  • To equip teens to fulfill the great commission.
  • To foster a loving, encouraging spirit within a youth group that reaches out to others and wins them to Jesus Christ and draws them in to the local church without compromising Godly, Biblical standards.
  • To infect teens with the joy of living for and serving Christ faithfully in His local church.
  • To prepare teens to be actively involved in their local church and service of their Savior.

Tools To Achieve These Goals

  • Sunday School
  • Teen Time
  • Youth Camps and Conferences
  • Devotionals
  • Revivals
  • Follow-up and Accountability measures
  • Singing
  • Praise Time
  • Testimony Time
  • Activities
  • Service Work Days

Pastor Brandon & Meghan Bowser

Pastor & Mrs. Bowser joined the Staff at Elmwood Baptist Church in December 2020. Pastor Bowser is in charge of the Youth Ministry at Elmwood Baptist Church, teaches 5th-8th grades in the academy and leads the “J1ST Teens” Teen Bible Class on Sundays.

The Bowser’s have, in the short-time in ministry at Elmwood, grown to love the teens and are excited for the future of our youth . They have served in the ministry for over 15 years, in the Chicago area, California and in Alabama, before landing here at Elmwood.

Pastor Bowser and his wife have been blessed by God with 1 child, and are trusting that God will grow their family as HE sees fit.

“Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is His reward.” ~ Psalm 127:3

Rick & Shannon Lopez

Rick and Shannon are an integral part of the team at Elmwood and God has gifted both of them to reach and teach the Word of God to our youth. Rick and Shannon oversee the 6th-8th youth at Elmwood. Using the tools God has gifted them with, Rick and Shannon have seem tremendous growth in this pivotal age of a person’s life.

"He must increase, but I must decrease.
 He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all." ~ John 3:30-31


We also provide various teen activities every month. Often we hold Friday activities where we have games and trips. In addition we plan and go on other activities such as going to the mountains.

Teen S.N.A.C. (Sunday Night After Church)

During the summer months the teens head out to a fast food restaurant immediately following the evening service. This is a time for fellowship and fun.

Looking Out For Youth & Teens’ Safety

We care about your teenagers. All of our children and youth workers undergo a criminal background check to ensure that your family will be in a safe environment when they attend our classes and activities at and through Elmwood Baptist.

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